Today Saturday 3rd March 2018, Should have been the scouts Monopoly run in London today. Alas, We were stuck in waiting for the snow to defrost enough to be able to get out and about.
Thanks to panic shoppers earlier in the week, we are completely out of bread and dangerously low on milk.
However, we are ok on time and bored! So today we baked some bread to last the day and I did more house work.
Thomas was a little upset when earlier in the week. Due to the snow, the Scouts monopoly run in London was cancelled today.
After several days now of snow the kids were bored of it, Emily got too cold too quickly and Thomas didn’t like the feeling of the damp on his coat and gloves. Jess however, as determined as ever, still gave it her best to try and finish her igloo (didn’t manage it but she gave it her all).

We ended up having a lovely day at home kids, watching some TV and playing Minecraft.
if you want to read about their snow shenanigans’ you can find them here for more scouting endeavours here
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