Welcome here you will find our Beeswax Moisturising cream. This is one of our family’s favourite creams with a pot of this on most bedsides in our house we make it quite a lot.

Beeswax Moisturising cream


  • 1/4 cup beeswax
  • 1/4 cup Coconut oil
  • 1/2 Olive Oil
  • 2Tbsp Shear Butter
  • 1tsp Vitamin E oil
  • A few drops of Rosemary Essential Oil (or preferred scents)

Measure and add to a microwaveable jug and then Melt for about 2 minutes. Once melted add in your chosen essential oils, Olive oil and Vitamin E oil. Then simply pour into a container to set simples!

Safe to use all over your body.

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