This is How to make a mess shredding paper! The children loved Making Paper with their HE Art Van Gogh project. We will be making it with SHE and this is our first step.

I have added the how to guide for the whole process separately here should you wish to try it yourself.

Spring themed Paper making

We are doing the theme of spring. Therefore we have picked spring colours.
How to make a mess with:
Pinks (if I every get around to tearing it up!)

I honestly cant believe how long it takes to tear up strips of paper.

The kids have loved it, I wont lie me not so much it is all over the house! But the Kids have absolutely loved it.

We didn’t have as many children as expected only the 4. We were expecting both of Mandi’s Girls but her youngest is staying with her nan this week. Despite being a hand or two down we got most of the colours done..

How to make a mess shredding paper!

The answer give it to 4 kids lol. They started by tearing the paper into strips with the help from rulers. We needed to ensure all the pieces were about 1cm each and all had torn edges to aid in the absorption process to make the pulp.

Once all torn up we have then added water to the pots, then placed them on a prepared shelf in the larder to soak.

They will stay there for the next few days. I will stir

I was quiet surprised how easy it was we have used clean sheets of scrap paper. But you could recycle any old paper you have .

Now we have to wait….

We are really looking forward to actually making the paper. We plan to make the frames Wednesday.

To do this we plan to buy a couple of wooden picture frames and a pack of sponges (kitchen washing up ones) from £1land.

I also need to get a metre of cheap net material (like the sort you put up at the window). This net needs to have a tight weave to the water out from the paper without the paper coming through.

To actually make the frames is very easy we will take off the back and glass from the frames as these aren’t needed and staple the netting tight over the wooden frame.

Here is the paper they made in HE Art that inspired this weeks paper making.