Ok so yesterday was soo busy I am only just now finding the time to write it :0/ but here it is


We had made arrangements and invited home educators who live closer to us to come to our house to discuss getting together on a weekly basis for some communal learning so in the morning we did our normal errands did our reading first thing until hubby popped in then we all piled in the car dropped him to work again and went off to stock up on a couple of bits and got him a few special bits for his lunch came home, then made his sandwiches and packed his lunch up and took it too him came home did a little tidying before families started to arrive.


We had 5 or 6 families turn up (as bad as it sounds I didn’t quiet get everyones names although there were 3 Sarah’s all who live very close to one an other a little way away from me which is always nice to meet families close by.


The children all had a great time playing in the garden playing on the climbing frame, swimming and paddling pools and on the PS3 when it got too hot for them to be running around the garden and the girls who had been mainly in the shade mad the most of the boys vacating the pool and dived in.


as it was a first meet and the first time some of us had met I didn’t take any photos but some of us will be meeting up next Monday and this will be the first time we meet up to get the children to do some work and I really can’t wait.

they didn’t do any “work” yesterday they helped me with the shopping thomas put the prices into the calculator to keep tracks on the amount it comes to do and they both helped work out which dishwasher tablets are cheapest etc and they all read to me and Thomas and Jessica did one sheet of written work while we were waiting for daddy to come and drop the car back but that was all.