Monday: work as normal
Tuesday: today we attacked the girls bedroom (hoping it will last until new bed arrives next Friday but won’t pretend I’m actually expecting it to) we also went into the attic and got down the drums!

They now live in Jessica’s bedroom.
Tuesday: Emily did some work on horses with Lysa when she came as well as some work from her books.
Thomas has music lesson as ever on a Tuesday. followed by cubs, Martial arts and generally hitting bed like a zombie!

Wednesday: was a funny old day all plans went out the window as Tom started to struggle anticipating his EHCP review Thursday and Emily was in a very typical Emily mood but soon cheered up when Clare picked her up and took her out with the boys until music.
Then obviously we had music lesson for Emily and then home to try and get them all to bed safe to say today was a disaster.
Thursday: today I was at work, Jessica with Nanna, Thomas first day back to college from half term and Emily had her first day with her child minder!
Emily went to a soft play in trowbridge with Carly, Jess had a lazy day and after work we had toms EHCP review at his college safe to say it went really well he’s doing great!

Friday: granny day while I was at work and today the girls were sewing dresses for dolly’s.
Saturday: Monopoly Run for Tom and Jess, while us left at home started the shed move about!

Sunday: safe to say we were all knackered and did nothing except having the parents to Sunday dinner as is our weekly custom.
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