Well we have survived Lockdown week 11! Starting to tire slightly but so nearly done on the decorating.
I am hoping to complete it all before I crack and end in a meltdown or doing something too impulsive.
Lockdown week 11 Antics
Monday 1st June:
Isolation day 70: our new face masks arrived today. I am very happy with them. We brought them from a local seamstress in Westbury.
Today we painted the merchant’s chests to complete the dining room. Jessica did most of this by herself while I started putting the hall to right. After my random decision to pull out all the cables and left it in a mess!
Tuesday 2nd June:
Isolation day 71: Today I painted the stairs which was actually quicker than anticipated to complete.
Impulsive decision 1: Surprise!!!
We also started to remove the ugly bodged wood monstrosity at the top of Emily’s door. However, We soon realised that it was there to hide the fact that Emily’s door frame wasn’t actually connected to the wall!
A monstrous bodge job which was held on purely by a small lump of what looks like no more nails! It had to go! so WE decided to take down the whole door frame! (I say we it was me then I involved the midget to reduce the negative reaction of the hubby! look at her she’s one cute demolition worker!)
So we had to rip it all out and then clean up ready for bedtime! To say Duncan was surprised when he got home would be an understatement lol little did he know it wasn’t to be the last surprise of the week involving Hammers and Rubble lol.
Wednesday 3rdJune:
Isolation day 72: Today we finished tidying up Emily’s door frame. I was feeling a little impulsive so we decided to stick to something safe and sat down to some Educational school work.
This distraction didn’t last for long when they managed to complete their work well before lunchtime.
Oops I did it again! 😱
The results were we may have surprised Duncan when he came home from Lunch to find we had removed the mantle in the lounge! (This time I decided to take Jessica as my partner in crime lol)
I just about got it finished and tidied before Emily’s music lesson at 3 pm Surprising Emily’s music teacher as the camera from her online lesson showed a construction site behind her lol.
I decided to call it a day and then mellowed for the day and Duncan again banned me from snap decisions (didn’t work and again wasn’t the last time he had a surprise to come home to!).
Thursday 4th June:
Isolation day 73: Today was our weekly rest day and I spent time with Emily in the morning and then got stuck into her EHCP review in the afternoon.
Friday 5thJune:
Isolation day 74: Today was a busy day painting the hall with it’s last coat on much of the woodwork until I ran out of gloss paint.
I was multi-tasking most of the day trying to get hold of our dentist for Emily.
After 2 hours I get through just to be given a number for the Bristol Dental service.
Long story short, kept trying until 4:30 pm when I phone our dentist back. Let them know I couldn’t get hold of them to be told I had been given the wrong number!
By the time they got me the right number, it had closed until Monday! So poor Emily is in for a weekend of pain! (Mumma Bear was now kicked into gear and I was less than impressed).
When Duncan finished work we went to B&Q for the stuff for her door frame and some more gloss. I may have also picked up a new Hammer (while grinning like I watch hatching an evil plan! which obviously I was not hatching as I snuck it in the trolley! lol)
Saturday 6th June:
Isolation day 75:
Another busy day did the first coat on the wood and radiators in our room and Jessica’s room.
I may have also taken action on my Evil plan!
While Duncan and Thomas were cutting the grass and changing Hottub filters. Jessica and I may have brought out my new Hammer.
With the help of Jessica and my new handy carbon steel club demolition, hammer. Attacked and removed the horrid patio slabs from the lounge! Ok so it turns out that was the easy part!
Taking turns it took 3 hours of removing the cement mix. Duncan did eventually come in to help.
Safe to say Duncan and Jessica both give up far too easily! I soon after tidied up and showered before chilling for the evening in the hot tub and garden.
Sunday 7th June:
Isolation day 76:
I watched Maleficent 2 with Emily while updating the blog from week 7 to today Sunday of week 11.
Now I need to finish the glossing and to be ready to make a start on the bedrooms tomorrow.
But today there is a lot of woodwork and 3 radiators all in need of glossing. Not to mention the 4 doors to finish glossing too!
Unfortunately not being able to get the quick-dry Gloss Friday means some of it will have to wait. No real bad thing considering my arms ache today.
All in all a good end to Lockdown week 11! for more Lockdown antics click here.
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