Well we have had a busy day today Home Ed Style! These are the normal sort of days so easily forgotten but also the best days.
Thomas and Jessica did 2 pages of each of their books today.
Although as I was preparing the room for the paper tearing tomorrow they rushed it and didn’t do it very neatly. So I got them to do some handwriting practise after.
All things considered we have had quiet a good day today.
It could have gone much worse as we had a meltdown first thing this morning.
Thomas did some work in his English and Maths £1land work books today and also went over his 2,3,4 times tables.
For reading her read his machines and his evolution books. He was on a bit of a roll and also read the books from the London Science and Natural History Museums.
Jessica also did some work in her English and Maths £1land work books today. She read me one of her puddle lane books and also looked through the museums books’
We then drove into Salisbury so they could burn of energy with their friends at the Alderbury Social group.
For more posts about our day to day life check out our Journal. I can’t say they will all be exciting but it will give you a glimpse of REAL Home Ed Style living.

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