Fabulous And Frugal Christmas Crafts Full Of Fun For All…
Wiltshire Gift’s A Week of Christmas Art’s and Crafts
Welcome, Wiltshire Gift’s users to our families fabulous and frugal Christmas crafts. Here you will find our children’s choices of their favourite crafts through the years. We hope you enjoy them as much as they have.
We will be updating this page daily so if an activity isn’t linked yet that means it will be available soon so keep Checking back.
A bit about us

Through our home education, we have met with so many talented small businesses. We have come to know the struggles being an independent business can have.
Therefore, when the pandemic hit in 2020 we set about building the Wiltshire Gift’s shop local marketplace. If you have come to us from our Marketplace a big hearty welcome.
You can read more about our family via the Blog’s welcome page should you wish too.
Secret Planning for a Fabulous and Frugal Christmas Crafts.
We have spent the last 3 weeks for our children’s home education on a secret project. Discussing and choosing which of our Christmas activities were their favourites. Our Girls who are both still Home Educated are 16 and nearly 12 years old. We have been on our home education Journey for 12 years.
In that time we have experimented with many different activities and crafts, therefore the girls have chosen their favourites to share throughout December dedicating a week of their live creations with Wiltshire Gift’s to help Promote and announce the winner of our Free Colouring Competition.

Why Frugal?
As our country and community struggle under the weight of rises in food bills and fuel costs. We have reflected on the many frugal ways we have kept the Christmas magic alive while keeping to a tight budget.
Here are some of those activities as a family we hope you will love and enjoy.
Should you be more interested in how our family have enjoyed these throughout their lives. I will add previous years posts under the “Christmas” category throughout December.
7 Days of Christmas Crafting
Here you will find our list of activities my children have decided were their favourites. We will be doing one of these each day for the next seven days.
Throughout the next seven days, our daughters will be taking over the Wiltshire Gifts social media accounts to journal their week of crafts.
We ask you to show them your support in this. If you use one of their suggestions. I ask you to share a picture of the crafts you make from their list.
Help them find it by adding the #wiltshiregiftschristmas Hashtag. Alternatively, please tag @wiltshireGifts on your social media so they can see all your wonderful creations.
Each day they will post up on the Wiltshire Gifts Facebook and Instagram Social media profiles the following.
- requirements for the next days crafts (Monday they will announce the creations for Tuesday and so on).
- Link to the blog guide for that creation
- Days and times of live streaming crafting
We would love to see what you come up with!
If you decide to give our recipe a try then please share your creation using the hashtag #wiltshiregiftschristmas
To find out what we create this year watch out for the Children’s house going up on Wiltshire Gift’s Instagram and Facebook social media pages.
Superbly simple junior baubles
Toilet paper Advent tree
Hanging Tram carriages
Natural world
Log Candleholder
Stick and Twine hanging tree
Orange and Clove Smellies
Wiltshire Gift’s Christmas Activities:
Cheap fun and useful Activities
Soap Making
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